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Gary Erbe’s Magical World
On view through June 2, 2024
The Monmouth Museum
Lincroft, New Jersey

“Over the years, I have explored the idiom of abstraction and cubism and how these modern principles can be integrated into Trompe l’oeil. I welcome the challenge of bridging the gap between modern art and realism without abandoning technique. I believe I have found ways of circumventing the so-called rules of Trompe l’oeil in favor of originality, inventiveness and creativity. Most of my work since 1970 is highly complex and can be engaged on many different levels. I have underscored the point that my work has less to do with the tenets of Trompe l’oeil and far more to do with the creative process of discovery.”
– Gary Erbe

[Image Gary Erbe, Green Eyed-Amp]